

Sewer Overflow Emergency Contact - CITY OF GREENVILLE
In the event of a sewer overflow emergency during normal business hours, please contact the Public Works Department at 864-467-4335 for assistance. For after hours and weekend emergencies, please call Police Dispatch at 864-271-5333 for assistance.

Stormwater - What if you see evidence of runoff pollution or pollutants entering our streams and rivers?

Call the Water Pollution Reporting Line at 864-467-4554 during normal business hours. You may leave a message after hours. (1) Note the address, time of day, water color, and odor if possible. (2) Take a picture if possible.



Checklist for Organizing a River Cleanup

What is a watershed?

What is a raingarden?

Back Yard Conservation - Kid-friendly tips and information about what you can do at home! 


Carolina Yards  - Low maintenance and low cost solutions for watershed friendly landscaping, i.e. actions to take, online courses, workshops, resource manual, and plant database for native and non-invasive plants per region of SC

Center for Watershed Excellence - Includes Adopt a Stream information and certificate training courses

​Clemson Extension’s Carolina Clear program - programs to educate and involve a variety of audiences in stormwater management and pollution prevention

HGIC SC WaterWays - Fact sheet series focusing on current suburban and urban water resources challenges


City Park and Reedy River Area Development Report - March 2016 (City of Greenville, SC)

City Park and Reedy River Area Development Report - January 2017 (City of Greenville, SC)

Development Project Impact Checklist Guidance on assessing growth management beyond a single project is provided here.

National Low Impact Development - Database and map. Users can map low Green Infrastructure projects and more. (Clemson University)


Carolina Rain Garden Initiative - Learn about rain gardens and how to construct one.


Exploring Greenville's Water

The Great Pond Clean-Up An educational coloring book

SC Project WET: Water Education for Teachers  Project WET’s mission is to reach children, parents, teachers and community members of the world with water education that promotes awareness of water and empowers community action to solve complex water issues.

Urban Naturalists Student Handouts

Invasive Species - Powerpoint Presentation for the Urban Naturalist Program

Invasive Species (For a younder audience) - Powerpoint Presentation for the Urban Naturalist Program

Exploring Water Quality: Macroinvertebrate Identification - Powerpoint Presentation for the Urban Naturalist Program


Flow Chart — a look at how Greenville, SC’s Reedy River shaped that city (Appalachian History & TOWN Magazine)

The Reedy River (SCIWAY)

History - (City of Greenville, SC)

A Brief History of the Saluda-Reedy Watershed  - 2005 (Saluda-Reedy Watershed Consortium)


Reedy River Watershed Map 

2005 HUC11 Saluda-Reedy Watershed Map - (Saluda-Reedy Watershed Consortium)

Saluda-Reedy Watershed Map - (Saluda-Reedy Watershed Consortium)

1990-2000 Census Map - (Saluda-Reedy Watershed Consortium)

The Reedy River Greenway Corridor - (Naturaland Trust)

1884 City of Greenville - City of Greenville



2011 Reedy River Paddling Guide CoverTable of ContentsReach 1Reach 2Reach 3Reach 4Reach 5, Reach 6Reach 7Reach 8Reach 9Reach 10Reach 11Reach 12

Reedy River below Boyds Mill Pond (

Paddling Boyds Mill Pond complete with some very neat History

Things to see and do in the Saluda-Reedy Watershed - (Saluda-Reedy Watershed Consortium)

Take a Hike: Five Great Places to Go Hiking in the Upstate  - The first two hikes are on the Reedy River (Our Upstate SC Info) 

Swamp Rabbit Trail Interactive Map - City of Greenville

Wild Plants on the Rabbit! - South Carolina Native Plants Society


South Carolina Adopt a Stream Program

Reedy River Water Quality Group 2016 Annual Report

The Reedy River (DHEC)

Water Quality Monitoring Data (

Reedy River 2013 Report Card

Saluda-Reedy Watershed Project: Summary of Major Reports and Studies - 2009 (Saluda-Reedy Watershed Consortium and Upstate Forever)

State of the Watershed Report - 2005 (Saluda-Reedy Watershed Consortium)

Water Quality Data-Mining, Data Analysis, and Trends Assessment - 2005 (Saluda-Reedy Watershed Consortium)

Nutrient Loading in Lake Greenwood - 2006 (Saluda-Reedy Watershed Consortium)

Nutrient-Algae-Oxygen Interactions in Lake Greenwood - 2005 (Saluda-Reedy Watershed Consortium)

Public Opinion on the Saluda-Reedy Watershed: Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors - 2005 (Saluda-Reedy Watershed Consortium)

Water: Essential Resource for the Upstate’s Economy & Quality of Life - 2005 (Saluda-Reedy Watershed Consortium)

Regulated Dams in the Saluda-Reedy Watershed - 2004 (Saluda-Reedy Watershed Consortium)

Sedimentation in the Upper Reaches of Lake Greenwood - 2004 (Saluda-Reedy Watershed Consortium)

The Reedy River Master Plan - 2002 (The Center for Community Growth and Change, Clemson University)         

The Reedy River Report: Managing a Watershed - 2001 (DNR)

In-depth Research and Reports (Saluda-Reedy Watershed Consortium)

Support Friends of the Reedy River

Help us protect this priceless asset. Friends of the Reedy River will gladly accept any donation you are willing to provide. Use the links below to complete your donation.