How to Sponsor

Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities

Help us protect this precious asset.


  • Headwaters ($500+)

  • Tributary ($1,000+)

  • Wetland ($3,000+)

  • Confluence ($5,000+)

  • Watershed ($10,000+)


Our Spring and Fall Cleanups focus on engaging 200+ volunteers to remove trash and debris from multiple locations along our hometown river and its watershed. Your Presenting Sponsorship supports our Reedy River advocacy by allowing us to expand our reach and activate more volunteers, search for the best cleanup locations, purchase needed supplies, and educate the public on how trash affects our watershed. 100% of sponsorship funds over direct event costs will support FoRR’s broader mission to restore and protect the Reedy River. 

Presenting Sponsor Benefits:

  • Multiple social media promotions on FoRR’s Instagram and Facebook pages with cross-promotion of event and sponsorship

  • Multiple email blasts to our FoRR network of 2000+

  • Prominent logo placement on FoRR's website and newsletter (until next cleanup)

  • Pre- and post-event press releases including your organization’s role as Presenting Sponsor

  • Volunteer T-shirts with Presenting Sponsor prominent logo placement

  • Presenting Sponsor banner at your cleanup check-in location and after-party

  • Post-cleanup party for all volunteers and sponsors with the option to speak to the group and provide promotional materials

  • Complimentary invitation to FoRR's annual meeting, with formal recognition and award as Cleanup Presenting Sponsor

  • Option to have FoRR representative(s) attend your organization’s event with an educational presentation for employees

  • Option for separate, day-of-service for your organization’s employees to have their own river cleanup led by FoRR 


FoRR can accommodate groups who want to set up a special project outside of the two large river cleanups each year. We love doing events with groups because we get the opportunity to teach people how to protect our hometown river, and the group gets the benefit of a team-building event and doing good in the community. Because this requires additional staffing hours and supplies, we ask for a donation (varies for time of year/amount of volunteers, etc.) as we rely solely on the generosity of businesses and individuals to be able to carry out the work we do.

FoRR staff will design a cleanup or riparian buffer restoration project tailored to your specific group. Most projects take up to two and a half hours, and we will schedule an agreeable date and an additional rain date. We will gather and load up all of the supplies and have your team fill out Greenville City/County and FoRR waivers. We will have our staff and board members meet you at the location on that day and lead your team.

Special Project Sponsorship Benefits:

  • Social media promotion on FoRR’s Instagram and Facebook pages with cross-promotion of event and sponsorship

  • Post-event mention and prominent logo placement in monthly newsletter sent to 2,000+Greenville residents and businesses

  • Depending on how many people want to participate, we can have custom tees made specifically for your project (with a fee)


You can support FoRR with a Profit-Sharing event by donating a percentage of your sales from a specific day, week, or month. You can also contribute by asking customers to round up their purchases to the nearest dollar on behalf of FoRR. FoRR representatives can be on-hand to educate staff and customers about our conservation efforts and how they can get involved.

Profit-Sharing or Round-Up Benefits:

  • Social media promotion on FoRR’s Instagram and Facebook pages with cross-promotion of event and sponsorship

  • Post-event mention and prominent logo placement in monthly newsletter sent to 2,000+Greenville residents and businesses

  • Option to have FoRR representative(s) provide an educational presentation for your staff and/or customers 

In-Kind Donations:

In-kind donations are non-monetary gifts including goods, services, use of equipment or facilities, and labor. Since its beginnings, FoRR has been gifted amazing in-kind donations from our supportive Greenville community such as: volunteer t-shirts, after-party and annual meeting hosting, tabling supplies, cleanup equipment, accounting services, photography, graphic design services, and many more. If you have an applicable in-kind donation, please do not hesitate to offer it.  

In-Kind Donation Benefits:

  • Social media promotion on FoRR’s Instagram and Facebook pages with cross-promotion of donation

  • Prominent placement of business logo and information about the donation in our monthly newsletter sent to 2,000+ Greenville residents and businesses

  • Written acknowledgment for your generous supporter to obtain a tax deduction in exchange for your in-kind donations

FoRR Monthly Newsletter Sponsorship: $100/1 month, $500/6 months, $850/annual

The Friends of the Reedy River Newsletter is electronically sent monthly to 2,000+ Greenville residents and businesses, and is also accessible via our website. For a donation of $100/month, $500/6 months, or $850/annually we will prominently display your logo and business information in our newsletter. We will also do one social media post per week (up to four/month).

Newsletter Sponsorship Benefits:

  • Your logo and business information prominently displayed in our monthly newsletter that is sent to 2,000+ Greenville residents and businesses, and accessible via our website

  • A weekly social media post (up to four/month) on FoRR’s Instagram (3,200 followers) and Facebook (1,600 followers) promoting your business

Friends of the Reedy River relies on the generous support of businesses and corporations of the Upstate. If you are interested in having FoRR create a more customized and creative project for your organization we would be more than happy to accommodate your needs. Here are some of our more individualized collaborations:

  • Sponsoring a booth in the Sustainability Village at the BMW Charity Pro-Am Golf Tournament 

  • Sponsoring FoRR’s monthly water quality monitoring efforts

If you are interested in becoming a corporate sponsor, please contact [email protected] 

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