Spring Cleanup - Coming to your Home!

Spring Cleanup - Coming to your Home!

April 17th 2021 - 8:00 AM
May 1st 2021 - 5:00 PM

Join Friends of the Reedy River for a cleanup at your home! 

Get your family or your quaranteam together to do a cleanup in your chosen location, at a time that is convenient for you within the timeframe of April 17 - May 1! Your cleanup can be on land or water, in your neighborhood, park, trail, etc. - anywhere that there may be trash! 

FoRR encourages you to utilize your own supplies, however, we will have a limited number of cleanup kits available for pickup and borrowing. These kits will include trash bags, trash grabbers, gloves, and safety handouts. ** Kits are assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis** Kit pickup will be on April 17th at your designated pickup location (Sidewall Pizza in TR, Mount Calvary Baptist Church, or Sidewall Pizza on Cleveland St.). Kit drop-off will be on May 1st at Mount Calvary Baptist Church.

register your cleanup and, if needed, request your cleanup kit HERE!
Read "A Checklist for organizing a cleanup" Here!
Read the safety handout here!

Be sure to share your cleanup on social media by tagging us @friendsofreedyriver and using the hashtag #reedytrashtag 

Thank you so much for helping us keep the Reedy River clean - we couldn't do it without you!

A few notes on trash collection:
  • Please place whatever trash you collected in your home trash bin for collection
  • If you are cleaning up within the CITY limits and have large trash that does not fit in the bin, please leave it curbside on your designated trash day for collection
  • If you are cleaning up within the COUNTY limits and have large trash that does not fit in the bin, please secure it and leave it curbside, then contact Scott Butler at [email protected] with the exact location

Have a question? Please reach out to Scott Butler at [email protected]

By participating in this program, you are accepting all personal responsibility and acknowledging that Friends of the Reedy River will not be held responsible or liable in any way for any bodily injury, illness, disability, and or death associated with this program. 

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Spring Cleanup - Coming to your Home!

Reedy River Watershed
Greenville, South Carolina 29601


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